THA is Artist Collective's specialised in a mural that holds contracts with Japan-based leading artists SUIKO, TENGAone, FATE and Imaone.




身体の自然な動きによって生み出される躍動感と、ダイナミックな構成を得意とするグラフィティ・アーティスト。日本とヨーロッパの美意識の融合、またそれらとは相反する配色は、独自の色彩論と評される。国内外で描かれた数多くの壁画は街のランドマークとなっており、近年では岡山天文博物館、日生市民会館、広島市立大学、香港科技大学、ロンドンの巨大アパート内など、彼の作品群は公共施設でも観ることができる。アートスタジオ "dimlight" 代表。

Suiko is a powerful renowned graffiti artist whose inspiration is created by using natural movements of the body combined with his dynamic ability to navigate and build his ideas into a masterpiece. He is known for having his signature artistic sense from being influenced by his fusion of Japanese and European experiences but on the contrary, his way of expressing his art is very unique in terms of his usage of colour. Many of his pieces can be seen nationally and Internationally in various cities and are recently recognised as iconic landmarks such as Okayama Astronomical Museum, Nissei Civic Center, Hiroshima City University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, big interior wall design of a residential apartment building in London to name a few and can be viewed by the public as well. He is also a representative of an art studio called "dimlight".


東京を拠点に活動するストリート・アーティスト。米軍基地の近辺で、タギングやスローアップ等アメリカンスタイルのグラフィティ・カルチャーに触れた経験から、14歳でスプレーペイントを使ったグラフィティを制作しはじめる。また商業施設・公共施設へのミューラル、スカルプチャー、グラフィックデザインなど、ジャンルは多岐に渡る。2018年5月には、ストリート・アートの一大展覧会である "Beyond The Streets" (Los Angels)に、村上隆、MADSAKI、Snipe1、ONEZKERとの共作が出展された。現在はカイカイキキ所属。

Tenga one is a Tokyo based street artist. At the age of 14, he took his first spray can be influenced by American style graffiti cultures such as tagging and throwup (throw up, throw-up) while he was located around US Army Base. He creates a wide range of artwork such as graphic designs, sculptures and murals etc. on walls of commercial and public facilities. In May of 2018, his artwork was exhibited in "Beyond the Streets" (Los Angeles), the sanctuary of street art in collaboration with Takashi Murakami, MADSAKI, Snipe1 and ONEZKER. He is currently affiliated with Kaikai Kiki.


「文字・物・事」を独自の解釈で、幾何学的かつ多角的に表現する、東京・神奈川を拠点として活動するグラフィティ・アーティスト。高度かつ繊細なスキルで培ったレタリングが評価され、国内外のART EXHIBITIONに数多く招聘される。海外資本の企業とのコラボレーションや、渋谷区、茅ヶ崎市などの公共施設、また商業施設の外装・内装のミューラルも手掛けている。近年、これまで描いてきた二次元の作品は壁を飛び出し、木工作品として三次元的に具現化。カテゴリーに捉われない作品をリリースしている。

Fate is a graffiti artist based in Tokyo and Kanagawa. He expresses his artwork through his unique understanding of "letters, objects and things" both geometrically in multi-dimensions. He has been invited to various National and International exhibitions through recognition for his exquisite yet delicate skills for lettering. His work varies from collaborations with International based companies to work on Internal / External murals of commercial facilities as well as public facilities in Shibuya ward and Chigasaki city etc. His recent artwork has burst out of the 2D wall surface and materialised 3 dimensionally as a wooden craft. He continues to release artworks that go beyond categorisation.


東京を拠点に、数々の壁を凌駕するグラフィティ・アーティストであり、気鋭のデザイナーとしても活躍。一目で分かるアイコニックなオリジナル・キャラクターや、センシティブなタッチが、国内外から高い評価を得ている。またデジタル知識・技術を駆使し、あらゆるフォーマットにフレキシブルに対応。アーティスト・コレクティブ THAでは、アーティストとしてだけでなく、東京日本橋スタジオをマネジメントしながら、巨大な壁画をメイクしていくプロデューサーとして辣腕を振るう。合同会社THA代表。マルチスペース・新虎画廊(旧新虎プレス)運営者の一人。

Imaone is a Tokyo based graffiti artist who has his works throughout the city but his projects are now expanding past the city's limits. He is also a graphic artist full of talent and spark. His artwork is known for recognisable iconic character and style with a sensitive touch that has been widely recognized both nationally and Internationally. He is also known for combining his natural artistic talent with his knowledge and ability to use digital art programs to flexibly create his works into various formats. Imaone is the producer and artist of Art Collective, THA, coordinates art projects for huge murals. He also manages Tokyo Nihonbashi Studio. Representative of THA G.K. One of the administrator of Multi-purpose space SHINTORA GARO(formerly known as SHINTORA PRESS).

髙藤 充(タカフジ ミツル)

デザイン・企画制作を業務とする有限会社リッツコーポレーションにて、1991年の設立時よりチーフ・ディレクター兼コピーライターとして活躍。2010年、同社の代表取締役に就任。2013年、Imaoneの進言により「Truth in the Huge Area」(壁という巨大な領域にこそ真理がある意)の頭文字からTHAと称して、ミューラル事業を大阪にて法人化。マネジメントだけでなく、契約の取扱、保全の配慮、またアーティスト個人では困難な条件にアプローチするなど、リーガル・ボディだからできるアートをめざす。2021年、合同会社THAと協力体制を締結。THA大阪窓口。

Mr Takafuji has been the chief director and copywriter of Ritz Corporation Inc., a design and production company since it was founded in 1991 and took over as Chief Executive Officer in 2010. In 2013, with the suggestion of Imaone, THA "Truth in the Huge Area" (meaning Truth Exists in Huge Area called Wall) was incorporated as a mural business in Osaka. His aim is to represent freelance artists as a legal body so they can work without worry in a safe platform by implementing legal contracts and documentation. In 2021, a cooperation system was signed with THA G.K. Point of contact of THA Osaka.

岡田 カレハー 尚子(オカダ カレハー ナオコ)

創造的な環境で育ったことから、ファッションやインテリア、アートの領域に長け、ブランディングからマネジメントまでをこなす敏腕コーディネーター。2004年よりロンドンに在住し、日本人アーティスト・コレクティブ One Collectiveの代表を務めながら、2020年にはTHAロンドン支局の運営を開始。幅広いジャンルでの経験、持ち前の類稀なパッション、コミュニケーション能力を発揮し、日本とヨーロッパの橋渡し的存在としてグローバルなプロデュースを手掛ける。

Naoko is a gifted coordinator who was brought up in a creative environment in Japan. She excels in from branding to the management of projects through her exquisite talent across a variety of fields from fashion, interior to art. After her relocation to London in 2004, she manages the Japanese artist's collective called One Collective as well as representing the London branch office of THA. She brings her idea to realisation by making full use of her experience living and working in the world of creative environment. As a natural passionate communicator, her ambition is to produce striking creations in a new environment and to be the bridge between Japanese artists and mainstream in Europe.


THA(ザ/Truth in the Huge Area)は、日本国内のリーディング・アーティストと契約を結ぶ、壁画に特化したアーティスト・コレクティブです。 合同会社THAの一事業として、アーティスト主体の業務を行なっています。

THA is Artist Collective's specialised in a mural that holds contracts with Japan-based leading artists. THA pursues artist oriented operation as a business body of THA G.K.


Mural planning and production


Providing artwork and design


Exhibition planning and management


Artist support



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